On 29/06/2010 15:20, Andriy Panas wrote:

Have a look at AS3XLS library


Example of the usage:

Best regards,
Andriy Panas

That's an interesting idea, but I need to have a remote service that runs the excel formulas on demand - not quite the same thing.

Thanks for posting it.


On 29 June 2010 17:10, Paul Andrews <p...@ipauland.com <mailto:p...@ipauland.com>> wrote:

    On 29/06/2010 10:43, dorkie dork from dorktown wrote:
    all your questions will be answered with google spreadsheets and
    google domain key...

    The idea is that the user has a slick UI and doesn't have access
    to the formulas, so I'm not sure Google Spreadsheets helps.

    Ideally I need a spreadsheet engine that is accessible
    to/controllable by a flex front end.


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