
Just checking/ thinking... But if I go down the visibility route and
addChild( x ) up front in createChildren() would I be consuming more initial
memory than if I addChild( x ) as and when I needed it?

In my case, I have 15 columns, using the same renderer and 40 rows so that's
600 extra buttons that would be created that are initially set visible =

I'm assuming they are all in memory and when scrolling, this could impact
scroll performance.

Or is adding/ removing children dynamically and making each Item Renderer go
through it's update cycle more expensive?


On 6 September 2011 19:48, Alex Harui <> wrote:

> **
> States are still available in the MX way.  You can also hide and show
> instead of add and remove.
> Known children should be created in createChildren or in states.  But
> otherwise, you have to create them when you know you need them.  The List
> components create them in updateDisplayList since that’s when they finally
> know how many to create.
> On 9/6/11 10:48 AM, "Nick Middleweek" <> wrote:
> Thanks for this... So I'm extending UIComponent, does this mean I'm doing
> it the MX way?
> Cheers...
> On 6 September 2011 14:38, Haykel BEN JEMIA <> wrote:
> Hi Nick,
> if you use Spark components and the child components you want to add are
> fixed and known, e.g. a 'close' button that should be visible on mouse-over,
> then I would use skin states and manage visibility of the components in the
> skin.
> Haykel Ben Jemia
> Allmas
> Web & RIA Development
> On Tue, Sep 6, 2011 at 10:28 AM, Nick Middleweek <>
> wrote:
> Hi,
> I've been trying to find the correct 'place' to create new components after
> the parent component is UPDATE_COMPLETE.
> During initialisation, we create child components in *createChildren()*but 
> where/ when should we create them for e.g. in response to a mouseOver or
> a mouseClick event?
> Is it simply 'ok' to *this.addChild( *myNewButton *)* in a MOUSE_EVENT
> function handler or should I be setting some dirty flag to trigger off an
> invalidation and then add the button in a lifecycle override function?
> Thanks,
> Nick
> --
> Alex Harui
> Flex SDK Team
> Adobe System, Inc.

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