On 26 Oct 2010, at 23:18, brandyvsmonica wrote:

> Down in the mxml, I've got some labels:
> <s:Label text="0123456789 Helvetica Neue Medium" fontFamily="myHelv" />
> <s:Label text="0123456789 Helvetica Neue Bold" fontFamily="myHelv" 
> fontWeight="bold" />
> When I crank the font size up to something obscenely large, like 290, 
> everything looks great
> When I set the size to my designer's specified size of 29, however, no such 
> luck -- the size and alignment of the text seems to change 
> character-by-character.  Here's an image that shows the difference between 
> the same label at 29 and 290, with the font family set to 'myHelv' and the 
> weight set to 'bold':http://img708.imageshack.us/img708/8154/helveticaneue.png

Clearly this thread has been dead for a while with no replies... just to 
mention that I'm seeing the same problem with completely a different font and 
newer versions of flex and the player. Characters on the same line rendering at 
different sizes. Makes the text look a mess. Using the same font, style and 
text in a Classic text area looks correct both in ide and swf. - both tests 
with readonly/non-editable objects.

My problem in relation to Flex is that my app is Spark and requires TLF CFF 

So, resurrecting the thread in the hope that the original poster, or anyone, 
has anything to share towards a solution.


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