Hi Guys,
I am stuck with  this RSL issue and need your help here!
I have one main mx:Application and two modules!
Main Application (abc.com/MainApp/main.swf) loads module1 
(abc.com/ModuleApp1/module1.swf) which inturn loads one custom RSL and 
module1 is using getDefinitionByName to instantiate the classes (present in 
RSL) at runtime and it works.
Main Application loads module2 (abc.com/ModuleApp2/module2.swf), from this 
module i want to use getDefinitionByName  to instantiate the class (present in 
above RSL) at runtime but its not working..
 Application ----------->loads module1 ------------->loads custom RSL (contains 
test.TestImpl) ------------> getDefinitonByName("test.TestImpl") works
Application ------------> loads module2-------------> 
getDefinitonByName("test.TestImpl")  doesnt work :(
It works if custom RSL is loaded by Main application but not by module1! Tried 
different ways but couldnt make it work.
Appreciate your help !!


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