Forgot to mention that i am using SDK 4.1 and my RSL has some non UI 
actionscript classes only!!


 From: venkateswarlu naidu <>
To: "" <> 
Cc: Alex Harui <> 
Sent: Saturday, 17 November 2012 11:47 PM
Subject: [flexcoders] sharing RSL (loaded by module) between sibling modules
Hi Guys,
I am stuck with  this RSL issue and need your help here!
I have one main mx:Application and two modules!
Main Application ( loads module1 
( which inturn loads one custom RSL and 
module1 is using getDefinitionByName to instantiate the classes (present in 
RSL) at runtime and it works.
Main Application loads module2 (, from this 
module i want to use getDefinitionByName  to instantiate the class (present in 
above RSL) at runtime but its not working..
 Application ----------->loads module1 ------------->loads custom RSL (contains 
test.TestImpl) ------------> getDefinitonByName("test.TestImpl") works
Application ------------> loads module2-------------> 
getDefinitonByName("test.TestImpl")  doesnt work :(
It works if custom RSL is loaded by Main application but not by module1! Tried 
different ways but couldnt make it work.
Appreciate your help !!


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