Thanks for the reply Brendan.  However, I think I did a bad job communicating 
what I was looking for.  I can set up the environment locally, but the guy I 
hired has never used coldfusion or remote objects.  I hired him to help with an 
existing Flex application I did myself (very green).  It is running locally, on 
my dev machine and remotely on two different websites (slightly different 
code…logos/images/colors etc.). 


I wanted some help doing some stuff with filtering and sorting 
listCollectionViews and ArrayCollections…he has never worked with Coldfusion 
before and setting up Coldfusion is pretty easy, but he has a mac, which I know 
nothing about…the database is MS ACCESS (I know…) and  I was just hoping to 
avoid getting him to do that and get all the Coldfusion code over to him and 
get the database working….


Is it possible to just set up the compiler/debugger in Flex builder to use the 
remote Coldfusion setup I have already?  It would seem like that would be a 
better alternative, especially with more than one person…always compiling and 
debugging against the same cfc’s and data.


I have no real basis for this thought, however, having said that, it would seem 
I should be able to set this all up for my remote server… do the ColdFusion 
root (which is the same as my local set up) and WebRoot (which is the same as 
my local set up) and just somehow change the rootUrl to point to my remote 
server…and maybe also have to put a cross domain file (can’t remember the right 
name) on my remote server. 


However, it seems whatever combination I try, fails…


This might not be possible…but it seems it should be.


Thanks for your time,




From: [] On Behalf 
Of Brendan Meutzner
Sent: Monday, January 07, 2013 4:04 PM
Subject: Re: [flexcoders] Compiling and debugging against a remote Coldfusion 



- ColdFusion root would be the base installation folder for ColdFusion 
(Windows: C:\Coldfusion9.... Mac: /Applications/Coldfusion9)


- Web Root will be the wwwroot directory within the Coldfusion folder


- Root URL is http://localhost:8500



I would seriously question the decision of the individual you hired for Flex if 
they are unable to get this setup... sorry... i know that sounds very arrogant 
but I wouldn't want you throwing money away on this...


The thing to remember with ColdFusion is that when defining channels and 
destinations within the various xxx-config.xml files is that they refer to the 
ColdFusion installation location for web roots, etc... not the IIS locations 
even if you're serving the web content from your inetpub directory.


To get the CF debugging setup, you need to define a server instance inside 
ColdFusion builder and then define your CF project to use that server... you 
then "Run" your CF project in Debug mode to kick off the debugging breakpoints 
you put into the CF code will get caught as the CF content is called and run 
from your Flex app.







On Mon, Jan 7, 2013 at 10:43 AM, jmfamp <> wrote:


I have hired someone to work on a Flex application. It uses remoteObject to 
connect to ColdFusion. The gentleman I hired does not know how to set up a 
local environment and it seems it ought to be easy to set up the remote server 
to work.

I've tried everything I can think of (granted it is a short list). Can anyone 
help me figure out what to put in the following fields:

ColdFusion root folder:

Web root:

Root URL:

Some background information on remote server: It is a vps running ColdFusion 9. 
The server is located in the default location. When I compile my app locally 
and ftp it to the server, it works without change. However, when the person I 
hired goes to set up the project, it says the folder does not exist (which is 
doesn' Flex is looking locally).

I would like to be able to set it up so he can compile and debug against the 
remote application. Any help would be greatly appreciated.



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