Thanks for the response Alex.  I see the you created a base variable in AS3 and 
then called it in SWFLoader appending "nested.swf".

I was actually hoping to find a solution that would eliminate the need to write 
the path into the 'source' attribute.  So that all swf's loaded by mx:SWFLoader 
would default to some "base" path that is different from the root directory of 
the parent swf (default behavior of flash), allowing me to  write the source as 

--- In, Alex Harui  wrote:
> {code}
> {code}
> On 1/25/13 3:59 PM, "max.sammie"  wrote:
> I am using SWFLoader to nest an swf inside of my main flex application.
> I need the nested swf to access a different location than that of the parent 
> swf.
> For example:
> /parent.swf - location of parent swf
> /access/nested.swf  - path of nested swf
> I load the nested swf in the mxml like so:
> mx:SWFLoader id="swfLoader" x="0" y="-10" width="800" height="400" 
> source="nested.swf"
> Without explicitly listing the directory location is it possible to set 
> something like a "base" path for SWFLoader with something like 
> base="/access/"?  I know you can do this in js with swfobject.js, where you 
> set params with the base attribute, but can something similar be done in 
> flash?
> Please help, any assistance is greatly appreciated.
> --
> Alex Harui
> Flex SDK Team
> Adobe Systems, Inc.

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