
I have a mobile application that was created last year using FlashBuilder
4.6 (AIR 3.4).  It's a pretty basic app, in that it just interacts with
data from a server.  There is one view that interacts with CameraRoll and
the CameraUI, but that's it.

The initial build of the app went through Apple's approval process
successfully.  I have since upgraded to FlashBuilder 4.7 and set it up to
use the sdk with the AIR 3.4 (default is 3.1 I think).

A bug was found in the app which required a simple test to see if an
ArrayCollection existed, if not I created a blank one.  I re-compiled and
re-submitted the new .ipa and now Apple is coming back saying an
Entitlement is missing:

*Missing Push Notification Entitlement - Your app appears to register with
the Apple Push Notification service, but the app signature's entitlements
do not include the "aps-environment" entitlement. If your app uses the
Apple Push Notification service, make sure your App ID is enabled for Push
Notification in the Provisioning Portal, and resubmit after signing your
app with a Distribution provisioning profile that includes the
"aps-environment" entitlement.

I've been searching for solutions to this or other people with the same
problem but have not found anything.  I'm wondering if Flashbuilder 4.7 has
a default entitlement somewhere that's being compiled into the application.
 I'm not sure that's the case because in the binary area in itunes connect,
the entitlements section is as follows:

get-task-allow: false
application-identifier: MY APP PACKAGE

In the mean time, I've still got FlashBuilder 4.6 so I'm going to try to
compile the app there and submit.  However, if Apple is saying it appears
the app registers with the Apple Push Notification service, I'm at a loss
because we don't use that for anything.

Any help is appreciated.



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