Thanks anas naeem, It is really a very helpful information for me.
Regards--Sachin <a 
<img border="0" 

     On Friday, 28 November 2014 7:16 AM, "anas naeem 
[flexcoders]" <> wrote:

     Hi Sachin,

Transition from 3.6 to 4.6 is not very complex nor its too easy what I mean to 
say is that there are somethings that you need to consider while you are moving 
to higher end versions of Flex SDK. 

1. Flex 4 supports a spark skinning architecture which may sound complex for 
anyone new to it , if you are largely depending upon css based 
development/tweaking of your custom or native flex components then you it may 
not help you alot though you can use css also but there are some components in 
flex where css rules may not apply like Group/VGroup/HGroup as in skinning 
where you have the full liberty to change the full UI of the built-in 
components under Adobe's terms and conditions at the same time you may find it 
quite complex in maintaining your skins if you have no prior knowledge of 
skinning so I should recommend you that you should get some knowledge on it 

You might need to change or configure your themes accordingly like Halo , Spark 
etc etc. 

2.Regarding your service layer things may remain the same as they are currently 
with your current SDK version you may have to change one or two things but 
nothing very much is required at this end.

3. Data model will also not get much effected in transition but you will need 
to be careful while using advance data components of Flex like Advanced Data 
Grid OLAP datagrid.

4. Good support with backward compatibility and earlier versions of flex. Flex 
4 supports full backward compatibility of your components you may only need to 
change the Application tag of your project according new Flex 4 based and rest 
is good to go. 

5. Localization- this would almost remain same no special things required.

Note: These were a few things that I considered or encountered in my experience 
while I was taking my product to higher level SDK in flex but these are not all 
the things you may need to do some more Google on it. As these are some things 
that are normally considered on first priority in transition phase but remember 
they are not the all.

You can further read these 2 very informative and good articles

On Thu, 11/27/14, sachin sharma [flexcoders] 
<> wrote:

Subject: [flexcoders] Flex 3 (SDK3.6) to Flex 4 (SDK 4.6) Migration
 To: "" <>
 Date: Thursday, November 27, 2014, 7:35 PM
 Has any
 one done migration from Flex 3 to 4, If so could you please
 share your experience where as I need to know what things
 need to be taken care of during migration and where to
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