Title: Checkbox value
If you create a custom component extending the checkbox component, you can accomplish this by adding a property to your checkbox.
The AS for creating your property would look "something" like the below...I haven't tested it, so don't shoot me if I'm :
private var _data:Object;
function get data():Boolean{
      return _data;
function set data(objData:Object){
    _data = objData
    dispatchEvent({ type:'dataChanged' });
Thank you,
Greg Andora
IT - Web Development Group
Database Analyst/Programmer
(702) 862-7725

From: flexcoders@yahoogroups.com [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Mehdi, Agha
Sent: Tuesday, November 22, 2005 10:41 AM
To: flexcoders@yahoogroups.com
Subject: [flexcoders] Checkbox value

How can I make it so that my CheckBox also holds data property of an object and not just show the label. Basically, I have an object with data and label properties and I want the CheckBox to hold the data and display the label. If CheckBox can't do that then I'm gonna have to create a custom component. Just wanted to see if it was something CheckBox could do.


Agha Mehdi

IDT - eBusiness Program Manager

Work: 408.284.8239

Cell  : 209.275.0482

Fax  :  408.284.2766

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