Hello flexcoders.
We are building a huge web application. Our product management want it to be RIA to produce the best user experience. We've choosen Flex as our client technology because it is the best on the market now. But I have a doubt that Flex is a mature technology suitable for enterprise development right now.
Does anyone have completed some really big application using Flex, or about to complete? By "really big application" I mean about 100 of screens in terms of HTML.
The problems I see in Flex now are (affects version 1.5)
- poor support in IDEs comparing to JSP
- poor component library comparing to the desktop and sources of components are closed to extension. For example to add button in DataGrid I have to use hacks (cell renderers)
- poor support of debugging/profiling
- Runtime errors are ignored and sometimes its quite hard to determine where is the bug
- Poor frameworks. Cairnigorm is overcomplicated and does not fit agile development model due to the lack of unit testing approach
- no i18n support on mxml level
- No kickstart examples like Appfuse in Java
- Async call model. Sure it is a great feature but it makes development more complicated
Sure it is great to have a really cool alternative to the html and I believe in a year or 2 Flex will be one of the leading technologies in Web development. Macromedia is doing a great job together with Lazslo and sure Ajax. The question is if we have to launch our site in less than a year and site is really big what are our chances?
Best Regards,

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