Since several people have volunteered to help, I've set up a yahoo group to help organize this effort. The URL is:

Tell your friends and poke your coworkers. And subscribe yourself. Especially if you are in the SF Bay Area.

Jen Larkin

On 4/5/06, Jennifer Larkin <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
I have no objection to remote members; the local CFUG has them. But we do need to have a physical presence somewhere in order to have the facilities to support remote members.

For those who aren't familiar with the User Group program, a Flex User Group would have monthly meetings-- typically lectures that would also be broadcast remotely-- a mailing list for local users (although others would be supported there as well), and most importantly, access to Adobe speakers. If we were to do this in San Francisco (which is not necessarily the case-- we could do South Bay instead) we would probably meet in the building where the Flex Team works, so we could poke them repeatedly for speakers. Even if we meet in the South Bay we could poke the team for speakers; it's just easier to convince people to lecture downstairs from their office.

My main concern is that I already run the local ColdFusion user group, pretty much by myself, and it's been a lot of work lately. We are in the process of solving the problems that make it a lot of work, but running two groups that way at once would be a major headache. I'm interested in finding people who are interested in attending meetings but also finding people who are willing to help out.

Also, while I have given Flex lectures in the past, I don't have much experience with it and I certainly don't think that I would qualify to lecture on Flex to a Flex UG. While I am a fine fill-in lecturer for the CFUG, I don't feel qualified to fill-in lecture for a Flex UG, at least not at this time. I'm starting my first Flex project today; that's one reason that this is coming up now. My coworkers are active CFUG members and are having trouble getting started with Flex-- a CFUG would help us ramp up on the learning curve and with the upcoming release of the Flex SDK I expect that many more people will be in the same position as myself and my coworkers. That makes this the perfect time to act.

Some of the issues that present themselves when starting a UG don't really apply to me, since I already have the contacts at Adobe, free potential meeting sites, location of possible speakers, free hosting contacts, and swag contacts. We also have a larger potential user base than many areas. There would be a few issues to work out, like setting up an initial website (which could be flat HTML as a temporary measure), scheduling speakers (which we could probably work out pretty easily for a few months but is a long term problem), and getting mailing lists set up. I will contact the CFUG's host to see if they would support our mailing list-- we need to do that for the CFUG anyway.

The biggest issues are getting speakers, getting people to show up in person, and setting up a website that can be maintained by the community. The last issue is the current problem with the CFUG and we have a donated CMS to deploy to fix this that we could probably use for the Flex UG as well. That is being worked on and we're hoping to launch shortly but in the meantime I don't feel comfortable committing to run a second UG.  Otherwise I'd just say "let's start a UG here. I'll make the arrangements."

On 4/5/06, Jignesh Dodiya < [EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
is this for local people only or remote person also can be the member??????

On 4/5/06, Jennifer Larkin < [EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
Someone has requested that I start a Flex User Group for the SF Bay
Area. How many people here are in the area and if so, do you think you
would attend? If you are not in the area and you could view our
meetings online, would you attend?

It seems like SF would be the perfect place to start a Flex UG; I'm
just wondering how interested other people are.

Offlist response seems appropriate.
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