Thanks for taking the time for the detailed reply Simon!  I WISH it was
validator related.  In one instance, I am using a validator but the
first time I saw this behavior was in a simple MXML file that had 3
lists that get populated with 3 separate message types and directly next
to the lists is a title label and a text area...when the user clicks on
a message in any of the 3 lists, the title and text area should be
updated with the selected message's title and body content.

The title label and body text area have their text attributes bound to
{ModelLocator.selectedMessage.title} and
{ModelLocator.selectedMessage.body} respectively and the change listener
on all 3 of the lists is simple ModelLocator.selectedMessage =;

This NEVER works upon first compilation after a fresh server restart.
If I 'touch' the file that contains this message reader component and
refresh my browser...magically, the title and body start appearing when
I select a message in the lists.

This behavior escapes me and is obviously not conducive to a production
release because I can't exactly go in and 'touch' all necessary files
for this behavior to be fixed...this should work the first time.

I even have a test button on the message reader page that, upon first
time server start and app compilation, when I click on a message and the
ModelLocator.selectedMessage object have been set but the title and body
do not appear, I can click on this button and in an alert body display
the title and the body of the selectedMessage object...I am confirming
the selectedMessage object is getting set with the proper information,
the damn TextInput components do not want to show it to me though...if I
open up FlexBuilder, open up my MessagerReader.mxml file, hit the
spacebar, backspace and then save it, refresh my browser...magically it
all works properly.  It's that initial load that is completely baffling

I've tried debugging and because my components are being created as
children on the fly it doesn't see the breakpoints I'm setting up.  I'm
at a loss.

My work around, and this is the kicker, if I take the two fields that
currently, in the same component, reside next to the 3 lists, and wrap
them up into their own MXML file component and add a COMPLETELY EMPTY

public function set message(m:Message){}

method call in this new wrapped up component and then in the original
message reader component, do this:

<comp:MessageReaderFields width="100%" height="100%"
message="{ModelLocator.selectedMessage}" />

And now, when I select a message, first compilation, 14th compilation,
1st server restart, 10th server restart, the message title and body
field binding to the ModelLocator.selectedMessage object in my new
embedded component work as they should.  Makes sense, right?  Nope.  Not
even a little bit.

Whatever...looks like I have a work-around for the time being...

robert l. brueckmann
vice president
merlin securities
595 madison avenue
new york, ny 10022
p: 212.822.4821
f: 212.822.4820

-----Original Message-----
From: [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On
Behalf Of Simon Fifield
Sent: Tuesday, April 25, 2006 11:33 AM
Subject: RE: [flexcoders] Re: Flex 1.5 - Cairngorm .99 - Binding VO to
TextInput help please

Are/have you used a validator with a bound field anywhere in this file?

If so you may be experiencing the same problem as I did. I wasted days
trying to figure out why my Binding had suddenly broken down on several
forms. I was using about 6 or 7 validators per form and the fields in
forms were using binding which should be no problem. However the binding
just stopped working and I tried for days to get it to work again. In
end I got it working by commenting out nearly all of the mxml content
when it started working again I uncommented it and it worked, but then
what - it stopped working again.

Libby kindly gave me some pointers and mentioned that you must use the
"listener" attribute of the Validator tag to explicitly target the field
that you want to validate.

I'm not certain if her solution works but give it a go.

I found a workaround by using just 1 Validator for the entire form and
a custom validation function.

      <mx:Validator field="checkContact"
validate="contactVH.validateForm(event.validator, event.value)" />

Then your validate function could be:

      function validateForm( validator, value ) : Void {        

            if ( value.firstname=="" || value.firstname==undefined )
must enter the firstname", "firstname");

            if ( value.lastname=="" || value.lastname==undefined ) {
must enter the lastname", "lastname");

            EmailValidator.validateEmail( validator,,
"email" );
            if ( value.telephone=="" || value.telephone==undefined )
must enter the landline telephone number", "telephone");

            if ( value.addrstreet=="" || value.addrstreet==undefined
) {
must enter the street address", "addrstreet");

            if ( value.addrcity=="" || value.addrcity==undefined ) {
must enter the city address", "addrcity");

            if ( value.addrpostcode=="" ||
) {
"You must enter the post code", "addrpostcode");


Its not at all efficient because I validate the form on every change of
every field so there is lots of testing going on - but that's because I
it to highlight errors as they are being typed or being resolved

This seems to work for me.

If you are not experiencing the Validator/Binding problem - ignore all


-----Original Message-----
From: [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On
Behalf Of Suzy Lawson
Sent: 25 April 2006 14:17
Subject: [flexcoders] Re: Flex 1.5 - Cairngorm .99 - Binding VO to
help please

Have you tried debugging? set a breakpoint in your onResult of the
class and where you explictly set the selectedUser in the model locator.
Once that line has passed, you should stop again then check your text
box to
see if it has the value. I find I get a lot further debugging then using
trace statements. Then repeat the process with the second hit when the
behavior works OK. This should hopefully identify your issue.

--- In, "Robert Brueckmann"
> Thanks Suzy but my problem isn't with populating a
> combobox of users populates just fine, when I select a user from the
> list and the user is fetched, the user object whose fields are
bound to
> various textinput fields in my form are not's only when I
> 'touch' the file and refresh my browser, is the user information
> correctly in the textinput components of my form...I can't grasp why
> this would be happening...
> robert l. brueckmann
> vice president
> merlin securities
> 595 madison avenue
> new york, ny 10022
> p: 212.822.4821
> f: 212.822.4820
> -----Original Message-----
> From:
> Behalf Of Suzy Lawson
> Sent: Monday, April 24, 2006 7:32 PM
> To:
> Subject: [flexcoders] Re: Flex 1.5 - Cairngorm .99 - Binding VO to
> TextInput help please
> Roger,
>   I have faced the same problem. The reason is that when you deploy
> the server for the first time, nothing is compiled. So in your
> request, your application returns the users before it has compiled
> created the your call to set the combo box with user
> silenty fails. When you hit refresh, since everything is already
> compiled, it can set the combobox with the data in time.
> Put your logic to fetch the XML user in the creationComplete method
> your mx:Combobox...or somewhere where you know it is created.
> hope this helps. cheers.
> --- In, "Robert Brueckmann"
> <rbrueckmann@> wrote:
> >
> > I tried searching the archives and couldn't find anything
relevant to
> > what we're doing here, so I'm hoping someone can explain
> >
> > 
> >
> > 
> >
> > 1.      User logs in
> >
> > 2.      XML is returned with all applications user has access to
> >
> > 3.      Tab Navigator component is generated on the fly with tabs
> > labeled according to application names in XML returned from DB.
> Actual
> > MXML component each tab is linked to is not yet created upon
> of
> > the TabNavigator...ONLY when the user clicks on a tab, is the
> > appropriate MXML component created.
> >
> > 4.      One of the tabs is a user admin form where an admin user
> > select any of the system users from a list and edit their
> >
> > 5.      All fields in this form are bound to
> > ModelLocator.selectedUser.someField
> >
> > 6.      Admin user selects user from list and in the result
method of
> my
> > command class that retrieves the user, the code is simply
> > ModelLocator.selectedUser = UserAdminVO(event.result);
> >
> > 7.      The VERY first time the application is deployed and the
> > application server restarted, and the application compiles for the
> first
> > time, the TextInput components DO not get updated with the bound
> > selectedUser's information.  My trace statements in the command
> > SHOW the selectedUser object getting set and the field values
> but
> > my TextInput components do not reflect this information.
> >
> > 8.      If I open up FlexBuilder and open my UserAdmin.mxml file,
> simply
> > hit the spacebar, and save it (the file is automatically uploaded
> my
> > app server) and I hit the refresh button on my browser, go to the
> > Admin tab and select a user, magically, the user info is
displayed as
> it
> > should.
> >
> > 9.      If I try to redploy the code and restart the app server
> > I'm back to square one.
> >
> > 
> >
> > 
> >
> > What the HECK is going on here?  It's like a bug in the binding
of a
> VO
> > to the TextInput components does not work upon initial
compilation on
> > dynamically created components...not until I TOUCH the component
> > file and refresh the browser, forcing the Flex compiler to
> the
> > app, do the fields actually show the properly bound information.
> >
> > 
> >
> > Any thoughts?
> >
> > 
> >
> > robert l. brueckmann
> >
> > vice president
> >
> > merlin securities
> >
> > 595 madison avenue
> >
> > new york, ny 10022
> >
> > p: 212.822.4821
> >
> > f: 212.822.4820
> > 
> > --------------------------------------------------------
> >
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> > 
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> --
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