You'll probably get more precise answers to the individual aspects of your questions from other members but i just wanted to help you with the confusion aspect.  Flex 2 and Flex 1.* are entirely different worlds.  The "rules" have been entirely changed and deployment now costs you nothing.  The files generated from Flex 2 do not require any type of server license. 
From what I understand the builder will be priced.  The builder being the thing you are enjoying dragging and dropping in as we speak.  It's very nice and makes developing your apps a wonderful experience.  However if you want to drop your prices to zero you'll still be able to create your applications (write and compile) using other text tools and the compiler(which will continue to be free).
The framework - which I believe to be the components etc- will also be free-  So you'll be able to use say the datagrid- you just can't drag and drop it onto your canvas for free- You can write the mxml text file by hand and still get your app to do what it needs to do.

As far as the data services- They are free to a point-  I haven't investigated all of the details of that yet but from what I understand you can build a fully functional application that is only limited in the number of users that can access it at one time (if I'm wrong someone please correct me).  So I believe the HTTPService will be entirely free.

If you are operating on a budget I think Flex will suit your needs.  Based on your description the only limitation will be the amount of "elbow grease" you are willing to put into it(other than the data services aspect).  Based on the way you come across- you're ready to grow and pay your dues- I feel as if Flex and the Flash platform overall is designed with that in mind. 
Hopefully i answered some of your questions and at the very least got rid of the feeling that the community is not listening- I think we are all in sprint mode right now as we try to keep up with the explosive growth of Flash as a whole.

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