To be honest, I just use MXMLC for all my Flex 2/AS3 related work. I used FlexBuilder2 for prototyping sometimes, its fast.

I never got such error. Can you please post the simplest code that produces this error? I can test on my machine...

I am sure, its some config or class path related issue. But, I understand compiler should show more friendly message.


On 6/17/06, Lance Linder <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

I posted this a few days ago with no response. I am still hoping that I can resolve this or at least feel comfortable in believing that the error might go away with the next release of Flex.


I might feel this error is my fault but what I can't get around is the fact that it compiles fine from FlexBuilder but not MXMLC compiler. I thought FlexBuilder uses MXMLC as its compiler?


I have tried reproducing the problem with smaller applications but it works just fine. The error only comes up on a much larger application I am working on.


Here is the entire error:


[exec] Starting 'mxmlc.exe ( -load-config tt3-flex-config.xml TimeTracking3.mxml)' in 'flex'

[exec] Loading configuration file tt3-flex-config.xml, root element flex-config

[exec] Initial setup: 296ms

[exec] Loaded 9 SWCs: 936ms

[exec] Compiling...

[exec] Files: 630 Time: 7454ms

[exec] Error: Compilation unit had no type info and after parsing has no syntax tree


[exec] java.lang.AssertionError: Compilation unit had no type info and after parsing has no syntax tree

[exec]  at flex2.compiler.as3.binding.TypeAnalyzer.analyzeClass(

[exec]  at flex2.compiler.as3.binding.TypeAnalyzer.analyzeBaseClass(

[exec]  at flex2.compiler.as3.binding.TypeAnalyzer.evaluate(

[exec]  at macromedia.asc.parser.ClassDefinitionNode.evaluate(

[exec]  at

[exec]  at macromedia.asc.parser.StatementListNode.evaluate(

[exec]  at

[exec]  at macromedia.asc.parser.ProgramNode.evaluate(

[exec]  at flex2.compiler.as3.genext.GenerativeExtension.parse(

[exec]  at flex2.compiler.as3.Compiler.parse(


[exec]  at flex2.compiler.mxml.ImplementationCompiler.parse(

[exec]  at flex2.compiler.mxml.Compiler.parse(


[exec]  at flex2.compiler.API.parse(

[exec]  at flex2.compiler.API.parse(

[exec]  at flex2.compiler.API.batch2(

[exec]  at flex2.compiler.API.batch(

[exec]  at flex2.compiler.API.compile(

[exec]  at flex2.compiler.API.compile(

[exec]  at

[exec] Total time: 8686ms

[exec] Peak memory usage: 72 MB (Heap: 49, Non-Heap: 23)


I can only hope that this will be resolved in the next release!




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