There are 2 recent events that have complicated Flash Installs that even SWFObject (formerly FlashObject) cannot handle.

#1. Foxfire Now Comes Installed Default with Script Blocking.  So, the very thing that made Flash successful (almost instantaneous installation even over 56k modem) is now moot.  We have to instruct the user to specifically allow _javascript_.

#2. Microsoft's loss of the ELOAS lawsuit and the Court Order for them to remove Emebedded Object Activation (requiring users who need to interact with a menu based or otherwise click-based flash movie to first click it once to activate it and then click it again to interact with it).  SWFObject solves this particular problem.

It seems to me, from looking at and their implementation of Flash Installs, that they themselves handle Interenet Explorer by now just displaying a GIF or JPEG graphic and No Flash Movies that require interaction, and they use DHTML menus.

For Firefox _javascript_ turned-off, Adobe does the same thing and displays a graphic, but also displays the message,

You may not have everything you need to view certain sections of Please see our site requirements.

Which it does not seem to do for Internet Explorer (i.e. it just defaults to graphic mode).

Things seem to be getting more complicated for Flash Installs, and with the challenge of Vista's Sparkle, it seeems important, now more than ever, for Adobe/Macromedia to provide the Best All Around Solution/Example for Flash Player install support.


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