Yeah, the issue here is that you want the binding to fire even when you’re not replacing sessionUsers itself.  In this case it isn’t binding you want but change handling on the collection.  Basically what you want to do is create a setter for sessionUsers.  Then in the setter add a CollectionEvent.CHANGE event handler and when that event fires you can reset sessionUsersToString.  Checking something like the ListBase code would be a good idea because you’ll see how all the different kinds of CollectionEventKinds are handled in case the event handler would fire too often.





From: [] On Behalf Of Carlos Rovira
Sent: Monday, August 07, 2006 1:09 AM
Subject: Re: [flexcoders] [Flex 2][ArrayCollection][Bug] Bindings don't executing when setting AC to a new ArrayCollection()


Hi Matt,

I create the example that shows the bug, in case I was not missing something.

The example uses an ArrayCollection to fire a property variable and then bind this variable to the TextInput. In my Application the AC is in a ModelLocator, and I expect that changes in the AC will be reflected in the textinput with a little processing that turns the list into a string separated by ";".

In my real case Application I get the ArrayCollection populated with a server service, and the textinput shows the composed string as expected, then I try to remove all items, or create a new AC(), and nothig happens.

Here is the example I prepare:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<mx:Application xmlns:mx=" "
        layout="vertical" creationComplete="initApp()">
        <mx:TextInput id="stringResult" text="{sessionUsersToString}"/>
        <mx:Button label="remove all items" click="removeAll()"/>
        <mx:Binding source="sessionUsers" destination="sessionUsersToString"/>
                    import mx.collections.IViewCursor ;
                    import mx.collections.ArrayCollection;
                    public var sessionUsers:ArrayCollection;
                    public function initApp():void {
                        sessionUsers = new ArrayCollection([
                            {user:"Juan", id:10},
                            {user:"Carlos", id:20},
                            {user:"Lucas", id:30}
                    // --- sessionUsersToString
                    private var _sessionUsersToString:String;
                    public function get sessionUsersToString():String {
                        var users:String = "";
                        var iterator:IViewCursor = sessionUsers.createCursor();
                        while(!iterator.afterLast) {
                            if(users != "")
                                users += ";";
                            users += iterator.current.user;
                        return users;   
                    public function set sessionUsersToString(value:String):void {
                        _sessionUsersToString = value;
                    public function removeAll():void {
                        // --- Here I tried several methods
                        // *BindingUtils.bindProperty
                        // *sessionUsers = new ArrayCollection();
                        // ...

Hope someone could throw some light into this issue.



On 8/7/06, Matt Chotin <[EMAIL PROTECTED]com> wrote:

If you are bound to the ArrayCollection then manipulating the AC itself doesn't re-trigger the binding.  You need to do a re-assignment.  If that isn't working make sure that the variable for your AC is [Bindable] and if you wrote a setter and used [Bindable(event="…")] that you actually dispatched the event.


From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]] On Behalf Of Carlos Rovira
Sent: Sunday, August 06, 2006 10:25 AM
Subject: [flexcoders] [Flex 2][ArrayCollection][Bug] Bindings don't executing when setting AC to a new ArrayCollection()



I'm experiencing a bug with an ArrayCollection. I want to remove the contents and the new state should dispatch a Binding, but this is not happen at all.

I was trying several methods:

* setting to null;
* new ArrayCollection();
* calling removeAll()
* calligin refresh() as well

but nothing happens.

I suppose that this should be a known issue, anyone knows some trick to avoid this problem?


::| Carlos Rovira

::| Carlos Rovira


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