Hi, I'm in a Flex2 app.
I can't manage to map a php return value to the right AS type...

In my service method I have this return statement:
return new Result( true, new Status() );

In Result.php I have
public $_explicitType = "org.bestiario.website.Result";
In Status.php I have
public $_explicitType = "org.bestiario.website.Status";
I also have the corresponding Result.as and Status.as classes on the Flex side.

In my HTTP debugger (Charles) I can see the AMF packet coming with correct types as you can see here: http://www.joangarnet.com/_otras/charles.gif 

But when the callback executes and I do:
public function onResult( event:* = null ):void
    var res:Result = Result(event.result);
I get the following exception:
TypeError: Error #1034: Type Coercion failed: cannot convert [EMAIL PROTECTED] to org.bestiario.website.Result.

Any ideas??

P.S. I'm using Renaun's RemoteObjectAMF0 class to call amfphp services. __._,_.___

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