That is the straight ant command. Search the docs in Flex Builder for "command line compiler" and it will give u more details.
Dimitrios Gianninas
RIA Developer
Optimal Payments Inc.

From: [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of derrickgrigg
Sent: Wednesday, September 20, 2006 9:22 AM
Subject: [flexcoders] Re: Architecting a large, modular Flex application

That's great Dimitrios, thanks. One question, are you using that
command file in the flex 2 command line compiler or in ant?

--- In [EMAIL PROTECTED], "Dimitrios Gianninas"
<dimitrios.giannina[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Now that I am back in the office, here is the full ant command we
use to compile cairngorm and exclude all unneccesary libraries:
> <exec executable="${FLEX2_COMPC}"
> dir="${BUILD}"
> vmlauncher="false"
> failonerror="true">
> <arg value="-load-config+=${basedir}/cairngorm2-config.xml"/>
> <arg value="-source-path=${SRC}"/>
> <arg
> <arg value="-output=cairngorm.swc" />
> </exec>
> Dimitrios Gianninas
> RIA Developer
> Optimal Payments Inc.
> -----Original Message-----
On Behalf Of Dimitrios Gianninas
> Sent: Tuesday, September 19, 2006 6:26 PM
> Subject: RE: [flexcoders] Architecting a large, modular Flex application
> Hi,
> I think you have setup things pretty much the same way I would.
Although I have never gone that far... yet :)
> One thing I did notice which you can change is that you said the
entire flex framework gets included in the cairngorm.swc ... doesn't
have to be. I build the carngorm.swc using the command-line compiler
and made sure to exclude the framework.swc, this did reduce the size
and is basically what I think you want to do. Don't remember the exact
switch, will have to get that to you tomorrow once I'm back in the office.
> Regards,
> Dimitrios Gianninas
> Optimal Payments Inc.
> -----Original Message-----
> From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] on behalf of derrickgrigg
> Sent: Tue 9/19/2006 11:23 AM
> Subject: [flexcoders] Architecting a large, modular Flex application
> I just want to bounce this idea/concept off the larger Flex
community to see if there are any holes or possibly better solutions.
> I am currently working with a team of developers on a large, modular
Flex application based on the Cairngorm framework. One issue that we
are trying to get our heads around is creating the application in a
modular fashion (ie seperate SWFs for application modules). Each
module will only get loaded as needed by the main shell application in
order to keep the overall size and memory use as small as possible.
> The big issue that we are running into is how to setup and develop
the module flex projects in Flex Builder. We need to give the module
projects access to the models, value objects etc (especially bindable
> properties) that they need from the main application without having
the actual application implemented version of those classes get
compiled into the module swfs and causing problems when they get
loaded into the main application. Our current thinking is that in
order to allow the modules to have full access to the models, value
objects, etc that have been defined in the main application we create
Abstract versions of those classes and put them in a seperate flex
library project which will get compiled as an SWC and get included
into the seperate modules as a runtime shared library (RSL), basically
an library of Abstract classes only (and maybe some Interfaces). The
module projects will also include the Cairngorm.swc as an RSL in order
to have access to the interfaces etc that are defined there and
provide the neccessary hooks into the main application.
> The main application will have all of it's models, value objects etc
extend the abstract classes that are defined in the Abstract RSL
library. The main application will also use the cairngorm.swc as an
RSL to ensure that the module swfs load properly when called upon (ie
they won't throw a run time shared library error because they can't
find the cairngorm.swc). This results in a download hit because the
entire flex framework gets downloaded in the cairngorm.swc but we do
not see any way around that.
> Any feedback, comments, etc from any of you would be greatly
> Regards,
> Derrick
> --
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