To answer # 1: trying to have two instances of FDS bind to the same port is the same as trying to run two web servers on the same machine and bind them both to port 80. It’s not a matter of message routing …the port is already in use so the second instance will fail since it can not bind to that same port number on startup.




From: [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Douglas McCarroll
Sent: Sunday, October 22, 2006 1:44 PM
To: flexcoders post
Subject: [flexcoders] Questions about RTMP ports and channel definitions


Hi All,

I recently wrote a post on my blog
<> about an error I was
encountering. A kind commenter explained that my problem was caused by
the fact that I had two different webApps running that were both
configured - in their services-config.xml files - so that their RTMP
channels used the same port.

I want to revise my post to explain this, but want to make sure that I
understand how things work first.

So I'd welcome any feedback on the following explanations & questions:

1. Obviously it is bad to have two different webApps use the same RTMP
port. I assume that webApps can't share the same port because, well, how
would they know which webApp a particular message is being sent to? I
suppose that this could be resolved by giving different destination
names to the different webApp's RTMP destinations, but I can imagine how
this approach could create problems. Anyway, I'm wondering if anyone
here can explain the crux of the problem more clearly or succinctly...

2. I assume that configuring a channel with a specific port number (e.g.
uri="rtmp://{}:2038") does two things:
a. It tells the FDS server-side code to listen to that port for that
b. It tells clients to connect to that port if they're using that
channel. I assume that there's some mechanism whereby clients say, "hey
webApp, what port do I use for this RTMP channel?"

Am I understanding correctly here?

3. I'm guessing that sharing ports between webApps isn't a problem for
HTTP and AMF channels. The reason I think this is that they are
configured in channel definitions with URIs like this:

... as opposed to specifying a specific port, as we do in RTMP channel

Do I understand this correctly?

4. I'm guessing that the reason why this isn't a problem is that they
don't use a sustained connection, as RTMP channels do. Is this correct?

Thanks in advance for any input! :-)

Douglas McCarroll



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