I'm not sure if anyone has responded to your email yet, but I'm just catching 
up to the list.

1) Build your own UI and for every RemoteObject, execute the setCredentials() 
method, it will either pass or fail. If you are using Cairngorm, look into v2.1 
it can automated this a bit for you.

2) Every app server lets you create a Authenticator, this is what you will have 
to build. We did for WebLogic, which looks at our user tables and such.


Dimitrios Gianninas
Optimal Payments Inc.

-----Original Message-----
From: flexcoders@yahoogroups.com on behalf of hank williams
Sent: Tue 11/28/2006 1:01 PM
To: flexcoders@yahoogroups.com
Subject: [flexcoders] role based security vs session based security with a 
servlet container
I am trying to figure out the best way of implementing security &
authentication. I am using tomcat, and FDS at the moment for remoting. My
server side code is obviously in java.

A while back, role base security was recommended as the way to implement
security. The idea being that if someone did not have the right credentials
that they would be prevented from gaining access to the flex app. But my
problem with this is that I want to do my authentication UI *in* flex, so I
can't prevent people from getting to it before I have had a chance to
authenticate. Another problem with the role based stuff is that, as I
understand it, roles are maintained by the container. I am not clear how to
use my account database (JDBC/Mysql) in this process.

What seems easier to me is using sessions, because I can, from any server
side function, request the current session of the given user. I can look to
see if their session is valid, how long they have been logged on, etc. And
using this methodology, I can do login in the flex application, which just
sends a login message to the server, the server adds a record to my session
record that indicates that I am logged in and when I logged in.

This second approach seems like the best approach and the one that gives me
the most flexibility. But I am looking for validation regarding my approach
here.  Am I doing something wrong here? Are there some reasons that the role
based security would be better?

Any insight from people better versed in security than I am would be greatly


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