
Try to dispatch event from your combo manually, like 
myCombo.dispatchEvent( new Event( Event.CHANGE ) );

haravallabhan wrote:
> Hi all
> I want to set the initial value of a combo box to the first item when
> the application loads and load another component according to the item
> selected. The functionality works when I use a change action in the
> combo box.That is it works when I manually change the item of the
> combobox. But it is not working when the application is loading. That
> is the event is not listening when the application loads.
> Examples I have say 5 items select Code,1,2,3,4. So the default vaue
> will be select code.A alue for 1 will show an apple image in another a
> componentand so on. When I manually change to the value 2 the image
> changes and when I change to 1 the image is changed to apple.
> I want the application to start with the initial value of the combo box
> set to 1. So that the initial image will be apple.Though the combo box
> is set to 1 there is no image shown. Only when I do it manually it
> shows up. Can any one help on this regard.
> Thanks in Advance
> Hara

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