X-IPI Cienfuegos-MailScanner: Found to be clean
X-IPI Cienfuegos-MailScanner-From: [EMAIL PROTECTED]


I'm a novice in Flex world.

My first application that I working is an intranet. I'm using RemoteObject
tech with php and SabreAMF, it work fine.

My implementation are a first page with login window, then if you can
login, other SWF file are loaded from server and inside of the file others
SWFs, the modules of application load dinamically.

I have some doubts about how load SWFs dinamycally, how (best way) create
SWFLoader and load other modules, and how interact with components inside
of the other SWF file.

Best regards.

Este mensaje ha sido analizado por MailScanner
en busca de virus y otros contenidos peligrosos,
y se considera que está limpio.
MailScanner agradece a IPI Cienfuegos por su apoyo.
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