That's not exactly what I meant.
I'll try to rephrase the problem :
it's when a very large timeblock is "cut" by a grid line, and you roll over
the grid line : 
then you roll off the timeline block button below
and I want to stay on the timeline block button below.

-----Original Message-----
From: [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On
Behalf Of camlinaeizerous
Sent: dinsdag 12 december 2006 17:27
Subject: [flexcoders] Re: How to disable a mouse over?

If I understand your issue, there is the single pixel thickness
between items where the mouse is not actually on anything but you
don't want this and even if your mouse is over top the grid line you
want to technically be on the button? 

I'm not sure how hard this would be with how your rendering the time
blocks but maybe try giving them specified hit areas. The seperate hit
area could extend the button 1 pixel in two directions. Say one pixel
down and one pixel right. That way your not getting overlap other
buttons but your still covering the grid lines. This will also remove
the dead area's near the corners if you use non rounded corners for
the hit areas.

Van De Velde Hans
> Some extra info to facilitate any response,
> so I have a container for the timeslots :
> <mx:HBox id="timeSlotContainer" horizontalGap="0" mouseEnabled="false"
> mouseFocusEnabled="false" />
> and a function to create the timeslots:
> private function createTimeslots():void
> {
> var timeSlots_ar:Array =
> ,"22","23","0","1","2","3","4","5"];
> var nbTimeSlots:int = timeSlots_ar.length;
> for(var t:int=0; t<nbTimeSlots; t++){
> var ts:EPGTimeslot = new EPGTimeslot();
> LineDrawer.drawDottedVerticalLineTo(, 0x666666, -1, 20,
> 330);
> ts.timeNotation = timeSlots_ar[t]+":00";
> timeSlotContainer.addChild(ts);
> }
> }
> EPGTimeslot is this:
> <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
> <mx:HBox xmlns:mx="http://www.adobe. <>
> <http://www.adobe. <> com/2006/mxml> " 
> height="322" 
> width="120" 
> verticalAlign="top" mouseEnabled="false" mouseFocusEnabled="false">
> <mx:Label text="{timeNotation}" styleName="greyLabel" />
> <mx:Script>
> <![CDATA[
> private var _timeNotation:String="";
> public function set timeNotation(_timeNotation:String):void
> {
> this._timeNotation = _timeNotation;
> }
> [Bindable]
> public function get timeNotation():String
> {
> return _timeNotation;
> }
> ]]>
> </mx:Script>
> </mx:HBox>
> and the static function in the LineDrawer class is :
> public static function drawDottedVerticalLineTo( 
> g:Graphics,
> dotColor:uint, 
> x : Number, 
> yStart : Number, 
> yEnd : Number 
> ) : void
> {
> g.lineStyle(0,0xff0000,0); // invisible line (!)
> g.moveTo(x, yStart);
> for( var y : Number = yStart; y < yEnd; y += 1)
> {
> if( y % 2 == 0 )
> {
> // lines are too fat, so we draw a square of 1 pixel (!)
> g.beginFill(dotColor, 1);
> g.lineTo(x+1, y );
> g.lineTo(x+1, y+1 );
> g.lineTo(x, y+1 );
> g.lineTo(x, y );
> g.endFill();
> g.moveTo( x, y + 1 );
> } 
> else 
> {
> g.moveTo( x, y + 1 );
> } 
> }
> }
> What I want is to avoid a mouseOut below when rolling over a dotted
> thanks in advance.
> -----Original Message-----
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] <>]
> Behalf Of Van De Velde Hans
> Sent: maandag 11 december 2006 18:32
> To: 'flexcoders@ <>'
> Subject: [flexcoders] How to disable a mouse over?
> Hi,
> I have a whole list of clickable boxes and I draw grid lines over these
> boxes.
> Problem : when I mouseOver the grid lines with the mouse, it causes a
> mouseOut on the boxes below.
> Check <http://www.belgacom <> .tv> >
chose English >
> "my TV guide" portlet window :
> >>>>> when you mouseOver a grid line cutting a program box, it causes a
> mouseOut on that program box :-(
> Is there a way to completely ignore the mouseOver on the drawn grid
> To draw the vertical grid lines, I put an HBox above the boxes & I'm
> the lines with code inside that HBox.
> I've tried setting mouseEnabled and mouseFocusEnabled to false, but
no luck.
> Setting enabled to false completely blocks all mouseOvers below.
> Thx,
> Hans.


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