
I have a problem with FORM based auth on Websphere or rather what
happens afterwards when I a remote object calls a destination.

To give some background:
The app is splitted in two applications (separate .swf files):
1. login screen 
2. core app

The core app is in protected area. When a user enters valid
credentials in the login app it is forwarded to the core app. Then
when a call to a remote object is made I am getting
Client.Authentication error saying "Login required before
authorization can proceed".

I've noticed that if prior to sending a request user credentails are
set on the remote object (with setUserCredentials method) everything
works fine, however I think that it should not be necessary since the
server should maintain the credentials - at least it appers to work
that way when the app is deployed to Tomcat.

I would be grateful for help.

Best regards,
Bartek Doszczak

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