
Nice!  I have taken the code and created some quick examples.  They
can be found here:

Notes: You can get the source by right clicking on the examples.  It
was written for PHP5 (there is some small quirks for PHP4).

I'll post on the stuff later, back to playing with it.


--- In, Patrick Mineault
> Hi all,
> I've finally gotten around to add AMF3 support to amfphp, so you can 
> finally use Flex 2's RemoteObject with it. To test the new features, 
> I've created a new Service Browser in Flex 2 which allows you to 
> introspect services and test methods on the fly. I need people to test 
> out the new AMF3 support.
> New/changed features:
> - $this->methodTable is DEAD. All methods in /services are now 
> considered remotely accessible, unless you set them to protected or 
> private (PHP5) or start the method name with an (_), in which case it 
> will throw an error. If you want to get a description of a method and 
> it's arguments without looking at the class itself, add JavaDoc to the 
> method and you should see it in the new Service Browser.
> - _authenticate is dead, as a side-effect of the removal of the 
> methodTable. You can secure methods by creating a special function 
> called "beforeFilter($methodName)" in your class and return false to 
> stop a method from being executed. (the _ and the beforeFilter are the 
> conventions used by CakePHP, so I figured I'd use those instead of 
> rolling my own).
> - Circular references in AMF0 and AMF3 should now work. Class mapping 
> code has been ported to the AMF3 code also. To use remote class
> use registerClassAlias or the [RemoteClass] metadata tag, then read the 
> instructions in advancedsettings.php
> - Returning a mysql_query will now return either an Array or an 
> ArrayCollection depending on the setting in gateway.php. Other database 
> types are currently unsupported in AMF3 mode (they will be supported as 
> soon as I am sure the AMF3 code is perfect).
> - You can send ByteArray, ArrayCollection and ObjectProxy instances as 
> arguments to remote methods. You will receive the result as a
string, as 
> the inner array and as the inner object, respectively. Currently there 
> is no way to send back these types to Flash, but there will be in the 
> next version.
> - /browser now brings up the brand spanking new Flex 2-based service 
> browser. You can test methods directly through it. If the method
> an array or arraycollection, the browser will attempt to show it in a 
> datagrid (sweet). Please feel free to modify servicebrowser.mxml (it's 
> very spaghetti-code-ish, but it works). You will need the Adobe corelib 
> to compile (google for the link)
> Limitations/things to keep in mind:
> - MySql works but not other databases
> - You can use a JSON string for arguments in the service browser. 
> However you must wrap object keys in quotes (a limitation of Adobe
> - Paged recordsets don't work anymore
> - Only tested in PHP5. PHP4 might show issues with circular references.
> - Calling two methods on a remoteObject one after the other (during the 
> same frame) might not work.
> - Charles and ServiceCapture have some issues with AMF3 handling. You 
> might see strings which seem out of place in your output while it works 
> fine in Flash. I will notify the people involved. You might want to set 
> PRODUCTION_SERVER to true in gateway.php if this is a recurrent
> in the meantime.
> - If you need to send to Flash a class and want it to be mapped to a 
> class in a package, you need to add a key to the class called 
> _explicitType with a value of "com.mypackage.TheClass" and use 
> registerClassAlias or [RemoteClass] as usual ( a limitation of php not 
> supporting packages)
> All that being said, I need testers. Please download it here:
> (although it states it is amfphp 1.9, there will be no amfphp 1.9. 
> amfphp 2.0 will be amfphp 1.9 + JSON and possibly XML-RPC)
> If you run into any issues, please either:
> - Create a minimal test case which shows the reproducible bug, then
> it to me.
> - In gateway.php, uncomment $gateway->logIncomingMessages and 
> logOutgoingMessages, create an in and an out folder and run it again. 
> Then send the log files (*.amf) to me.
> Please send the feedback to pm AT 5etdemi DOT com. I am confident it 
> should be pretty stable, as most of the new code is lifted from 
> Fluorine, but you never know. Once I am 100% sure the amf 3 code is 
> bulletproof I will release another version with some publicity on the 
> blog and the homepage (currently keeping the new code low-profile).
> Thanks,
> Patrick

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