I guess it isn't as large a problem as maybe I've been suggesting, after 
having talked about it in this thread.

My whole problem is that I don't like urls that look like this: 
http//domain.com/some/path/#other/path - which in all the examples, is 
what you could end up with, if you try to combine a regular indexable 
set of html files (or a server side app or whatever), with an self 
updating deep link solution that uses the hash portion of the url (like 
all current flash based deep link systems do).

At the end of the day the problem is largely cosmetic I suppose, but 
it's still a problem I'd like to find a solution for. :-)

The optimal solution, imo, would be some way to have the pages get 
indexed by search engines, then kick you into the app, at the app level, 
rather than shoe horning the app in at the index level.

Kevin N.

hank williams wrote:
>     Either way, it's reconciling the two urltypes that's the crux of the
>     problem as I see it.
> Kevin,
> You keep saying this, and maybe I am missing the big picture here, but 
> I am not clear why it is necessary to "reconcile" these two url types, 
> or how they relate to each other at all. It seems to me you can use 
> them both, they exist for different purposes and there is no problem. 
> You seem to think that that is not right, and below categorize it as 
> "so large" a problem. What am I not understanding?
> Regards,
> Hank

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