I am using an HTTPservice request to get a set of records in basic
format like so....


I am using the default result format for this request:

<mx:HTTPService id="annotationsInfoReq"
url="http://myDomain.com/getRecords.php"; useProxy="false"
method="POST"   ><mx:request xmlns=""></mx:request></mx:HTTPService>

I then have an ArrayCollection bound to the request:

<mx:ArrayCollection id="annotInfo" source=
"{ArrayUtil.toArray(annotationsInfoReq.lastResult.records.record)}" />

Whenever I try to reference a returned record using the following:

annotInfo.getItemAt(0).mergeField  I get the error 'mergeField' is

However the counterpart reference via the dataGrid works fine:


What am I missing here ? I have used AC before many times without any

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