Looks like it will support access to the file system, and support to the 
'windowing api' so I think you can do some nice things with it.

> I am building a system in Flex / CF / MSSQL 2K5 to replace a client 
> server app written in
> Delphi. This is being deployed to the local file server and the users 
> (OK, it's a telemarketing
> system and I do appologise to those who get called :), about 30 of 
> them are accessing it with
> sub 1 second response time (lots of logic in SQL Stored Procedures). 
> While running in the
> flash player is not the prettiest (and by using ZINC or other tools, I 
> can lose the silly player
> menu). Everything seems fine. Assuming I don't need access to the 
> local file system and
> other things that FLEX limits, what will APOLLO add? Just curious.
> Bruce

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