Hey all, I have a datagrid and I put a custom component of a button on
one column.  The problem I have is setting the drag initiator... I
programmed an AS3 function to set the initiator and when I insert the
mouseDown property to call the function I get the error "Call to a
possibly undefined method dragIt."  Why am I getting this error when I
have the function coded inside the app component and I have no
spelling errors?  Here is a sample of my code for better understanding.


        import mx.core.DragSource;
        import mx.managers.DragManager;
        import mx.events.DragEvent;
        import mx.core.UIComponent;
            public function dragIt(event:MouseEvent):void{
                var ds:DragSource = new DragSource();
                ds.addData(data, "item");
                DragManager.doDrag(this, ds, event);

<mx:DataGrid id="fixedGrid" width="100%" height="100%"
                                                <mx:DataGridColumn width="40">  
<mx:Button label="${data.loadprice}" toolTip="Add To Cart"
mouseDown="dragIt(event)"                       click="dispatchEvent(new

</mx:Component>                                         </mx:itemRenderer>      

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