I know Jason said he's going to be releasing a new TabNavigator component, but I couldn't resist trying my hand at it.

Here's my enhanced TabNavigator: http://dougmccune.com/blog/2007/01/23/the-quest-for-the-perfect-tabnavigator/

It uses existing code for closeable and draggable tabs, and adds in functionality for scrolling tabs if there are too many, and also displaying the drop-down list on the right side. No source code yet, but that will come in another day or two after I clean it up a bit.

Jason, I'll be interested to see how you approach it...

Ciarán wrote:

Thanks Jason, would be a great help. Just subscribed to the feed. =)


On 1/22/07, Jason Hawryluk <[EMAIL PROTECTED] <mailto:jh%403gcomm.fr>> wrote:
> I'm working on a blog post for something similar, but more toward the way flex builder does it with a drop down at the end. Plus a bunch of other goodies. ;)
> I may have it up this week, need to finish this current post first, plus do some paying work. :)
> I'll also provide source.
> jason

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