Gosh Shannon, what a resounding, even gushing endorsement of Vista
(not)! :-)
In my 'old' age I'm getting a bit conservative having been bitten by the
'curse of the early adopter' a few too many times - like doing RIA
development with AS 1.0.  Maybe I can actually hold off being the 'first
on my block' to install.

        -----Original Message-----
        From: flexcoders@yahoogroups.com
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Shannon Hicks
        Sent: Thursday, January 25, 2007 9:50 AM
        To: flexcoders@yahoogroups.com
        Subject: Re: [flexcoders] Slightly OT: Vista Feedback
        I installed Vista on my laptop running MX 7.02, IIS and FB 2.
They all continued to work. It was everything else that broke. I lost
printer support (no Vista drivers, and the XP drivers didn't transfer
over). They did fix the hibernate bug, so Vista did finally allow my
laptop to hibernate, but the rest of the interface was not only
unimpressive, but confusing. If you use Windows-R to access your
filesystem, you're in for a shock when you find out that they've moved
some of the core directories like Desktop, My Documents, etc. I didn't
play around with it long enough to figure it out... I ended up
formatting it and going back to XP.
        Battershall, Jeff wrote: 

                My biggest concern in installing Vista on my laptop is
whether it's
                going to break my existing development setup:
                CFMX 7.02 running with Apache with heavy use of Flex
                Anyone out there has Vista running on such a setup
without issues? Or
                with issues? I'm still on the fence as to whether the
feature set of
                Vista is compelling enough to warrant the upgrade, and
my concerns about
                screwing up my development environment are a big factor
in my decision.
                Jeff Battershall
                Application Architect
                Dow Jones Indexes
                [EMAIL PROTECTED]
                (609) 520-5637 (p)
                (484) 477-9900 (c)


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