It sounds like you want components which are both very rich and very
lightweight. If we knew how to do that, we'd write the Flex components
that way. : )


Seriously, athough we've tried to balance these concerns in the Flex
framework components, we realize that they don't meet everyone's needs.
Iff you're extending Button, then you're bringing in significant chunks
of the Flex framework, because even a lowly Button supports measurement,
layout, CSS, skinnability, focus management, tooltips, etc.


The source code for our components is freely available. You might want
to consider starting with ours and trimming out the functionaliry you
don't need rather than starting from scratch.


- Gordon



From: [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On
Behalf Of polestar11
Sent: Tuesday, January 30, 2007 1:41 AM
Subject: [flexcoders] Importing mx packages into AS3 project


Hi there

I have an AS3 project & want to use the rich Flex components (since
AS3 components are non-existant and I dont feel like re-inventing the
wheel). I recently discovered that u can only use these in a Flex
project. The reasons why I wanted an AS3 project was to leave out all
the heavy stuff that a Flex project brings along. 

So I thought that I could cheat, but it looks like it isnt working ...

I created a new Flex project, where I created a FlexButton AS3 class
that extends mx.controls.Button. I referenced this project in my pure
AS3 project, in the hopes of it loading the button compontents & all
its useful functionality. It looks like this isnt going to work,
getting the error in my Flex project:
"The definition of base class Button was not found."

Can anyone confirm that this is not possible. Has anyone found a
solution to rich widget controls for pure AS3 projects?



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