mthielman11 wrote:
> When we tracked the logs its as REALLY strange.  a user was loggin in, 
> username and was ferrall.  For some reason the log kept showing he was typing 
> farrell.  we 
> thought it was user error till we tried it and the same thing happened.  Also 
> was changing 
> other things we typed in.  SOme usernam e combos would cause the app to not 
> even send 
> anything to the server.  Again everything works perfectly fine in every other 
> browser we have 
> tried.  Only IE7 is causing the issue.  

I have no idea what's going on in that one situation, but I'm wondering 
whether there might be a keyboard mapping or other encoding issue in 
play. Does "ferrall" have an accent mark, or is it a straight ASCII 
character? How about when you try other machines using IE7? That could 
be a way to zoom in on the difference.

(And yes, whatever's in Flex itself is insulated from changing 
browsers... the OS still gives the keystrokes to the Player, though, and 
the Player requests network services from the browsers, so there's a 
couple of way environmental changes could get in there, at the edges.)


John Dowdell . Adobe Developer Support . San Francisco CA USA
Spam killed my private email -- public record is best, thanks.

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