Using amfphp would definitely be the easiest. Then you would just need 
to set up a RemoteObject tag and call 
ro.saveArrayCollection(arr_collection) and be done with it. You would 
receive the ArrayCollection as a PHP array on the other side.


rkrater a écrit :
> Can someone give me an example of how to save an ArrayCollection to
> php via HTTPService.
> I have a datagrid with a ArrayCollection as the dataprovider. I want
> to click the save button and it is passed to my php page to then be
> saved in the database. Any ideas are welcomed. Thanks!
> ---Here is my code so far---
> <mx:ArrayCollection id="arr_collection" ></mx:ArrayColle ction>
> <mx:HTTPService id="hs" url=" php" useProxy="false" >
> <mx:request>
> <data>{arr_collecti on}</data>
> </mx:request>
> </mx:HTTPService>
> This gives me [object Object],[object Object],[object Object] when i
> try to pass it back. Any ideas would help a ton!!!

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