Thanks fellow Flex coders;
Slangeberg's tip did the trick I was looking for ; )

On 2/25/07, slangeberg <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

You can use simple binding, via {} brackets.

<MyComp dataProvider={model.library} />

Or, you can use the ChangeWatcher: model, "library", onLibraryChange );

function onLibraryChange(){ /*do stuff*/ }


On 2/24/07, Webdevotion <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hello,
> How can I now when my arraycollection in my modellocator is filled with
> items ?
> I tried using collectionEvent.collection_change, but it does not fire
> when
> setting my AC like this in my command, after the remoting result
> handler:
> model.library = new ArrayCollection(data.result);
> What is the correct way ? ( I'm using Cairngorm )


: : ) Scott

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