slangeberg wrote:
> Uh, you're still going to have 'at least' all those capabilities 
> (talking to
> networked service) already existing in Flex.. What kind of functionality /
> library / language are you comparing this to?

Well I still have not seen how this will dovetail into the offline/online 
ability shown in say the ebay desktop app. If it can for example hold a users 
file uploads in the local cache and then on connect it will relogin/sync to the 
database and upload. And in doing this are we going to be limited to sending 
files to a remote server ala http post type commands with php etc and limited 
2g because of it and sandbox issues?

 From the text it seemed that all the flex apollo components would give is file 
selection and nav, not anything to do with user permissions, finding size of a 
dir , appending to files, changing attribs etc.

LeapFrog Productions

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