--- In flexcoders@yahoogroups.com, "Jesse Warden" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Thanks Michael, I'll try your code.
> Paul, if you look in mx.containers.Container, you can see how they
> and abstract the DisplayList API so that you have 2 types of
children; raw
> and regular.  This allows you to have "those you put in Canvas" and
> that make Panel".  For example, the title bar, close button, title,
etc. are
> NOT something you want inside your Panel container to interact with your
> children.  If you put a CheckBox control into a Panel, you would
expect only
> 1 child to be in your container (numChildren, getChildAt(0), etc.).
> allows you to build container components for others to use without
> how your child setup works.

That is precisely what I have created, in fact my ideas came from
looking at how other components worked.  My issue was different.  I
was using the graphics class to draw on the Canvas in addition to
having a few child elements.  The problem came when I set the
background.  It put the background over my drawing, which in my
opinion is wrong and in fact a bug.  When I looked at how the code was
working I saw that I needed to implement the same kind of thing for my
component. I created a content page that the drawing and children were
in, and then the background could be set without interfering with my

It's a similar approach, but I have more control over the parts.


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