So here's what I'm running into: I have an HBox holding two VBoxes. I
have a few Text fields inside. I'm thinking JAWS would read the
contents of the first VBox in its entirety, then move on to the next
VBox, but it is not. JAWS is reading what is displayed, right to left.

                <mx:Text tabIndex="1" preinitialize="trace('pre T1 1')"
initialize="trace('in T1 1')" creationComplete="trace('cc T1 1')"
id="tt" showEffect="{fadeIn}" text="You have Assistive Technology
installed. Box 1" visible="true"/>
                <mx:Text tabIndex="2" preinitialize="trace('pre T2 1')"
initialize="trace('in T2 1')" creationComplete="trace('cc T2 1')"
id="tx" showEffect="{fadeIn}" text="Assistive Technology is currently
running. Box 1" visible="false"/>
                <mx:Text tabIndex="3" preinitialize="trace('pre T3 1')"
initialize="trace('in T3 1')" creationComplete="trace('cc T3 1')"
text="This is in the First Box. Box 1" />
                <mx:Button  tabIndex="4" preinitialize="trace('pre Button')"
initialize="trace('in Button')" creationComplete="trace('cc Button')"
id="b1" showEffect="{fadeIn}" label="JavaScript Confirm"
click="goConfirm()" visible="false"/>
        <mx:Text tabIndex="1" preinitialize="trace('pre Box Text')"
initialize="trace('in Box Text')" creationComplete="trace('cc Box
Text')"  text="This text is in the main box, above the second box"/>
                <mx:Text tabIndex="1" preinitialize="trace('pre T1 2')"
initialize="trace('in T1 2')" creationComplete="trace('cc T1 2')"
id="t2" showEffect="{fadeIn}" text="You have Assistive Technology
installed. Box 2" visible="true"/>
                <mx:Text tabIndex="2" preinitialize="trace('pre T2 2')"
initialize="trace('in T2 2')" creationComplete="trace('in T2 2')"
id="tx2" showEffect="{fadeIn}" text="Assistive Technology is currently
running. Box 2" visible="false"/>
                <mx:Text tabIndex="3" preinitialize="trace('pre T3 2')"
initialize="trace('in T3 2')" creationComplete="trace('cc T3 2')"
text="This is in the Second Box" />


I added the traces just to see if there was a creating order that was
affecting JAWS, it would seem that it doesn't. The tabIndex order
seems to make no difference. Thanks.

- Jason

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