
Thanks for your help!

Just looking through your reply and the documentation and wanted to clarify 
what I am 
trying to do:

The Java backend currently creates a queue dynamically upon request (in this 
case, when I 
a launch a certain component in the frontend), and returns the queue name back 
to the 
Flex frontend (i.e. as a String of 'q001') after messages have been placed in 

Is the process you describe intended to allow the Flex frontend to see/use that 
queue that 
was created without messaging-config.xml? Do I need to call the initialize() 
method of that 
custom class to setup the new queue destination on FDS?

Any chance you have an early sample Java class that we could see?

Thanks again,

--- In, "meteatamel" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hi Brian,
> BootstrapServices in LCDS 2.5 are special services used to create
> Services, Destinations, and Adapters without needing any configuration
> files. This is what you need to do:
> 1- Create a class that extends AbstractBootstrapService.
> 2- In that class, implement initialize() method. In this method,
> you'll create your destinations using the LCDS Server APIs. 
> 3- Register your class with LCDS by referencing it in the services
> section of services-config.xml:
> <service class="" id="bootstrap1"/>
> Next time, LCDS starts up, it'll call the initialize method of
> MyBootstrapService1 where you create your destinations and these
> destinations will be available to your app.
> There will be BootstrapService examples in
> resources/config/bootstrapservices once LCDS is final. 
> -Mete
> --- In, "klumikaze" <briandunphy@> wrote:
> >
> > Our application currently uses a large number of queue destinations.
> We create the 
> > destinations in the messaging-config.xml file and compile our app
> against the FDS 
> > configuration files (and then upload to the J2EE container). There
> are 100+ queue 
> > destinations defined in messaging-config.xml currently.
> > 
> > Our Java backend creates these queues in ActiveMQ or JBoss (using
> the same queue 
> > destinations as configured in messaging-config.xml) and pumps data
> in to them.   
> > 
> > I've read through the beta documentation and there is a section on
> "Configuring components 
> > with a bootstrap service". Do we need to create a class that
> creates/exposes these queue 
> > destinations to the Flex app, or can we just attach Flex consumers
> to queue destinations and 
> > the new LCDS libraries will do the work for us?
> > 
> > Any input you might have would be appreciated.
> > 
> > Thanks,
> > 
> > Brian
> >

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