
Thanks again for your suggestion. Here's what I've got now:
I've generated a proxy script (in both .NET and C#) based on wsdl 
file. The proxy script resides on the same server (IIS) as my SWF 
file. Now, how do I invoke my proxy script from MXML file? Just out 
of silliness, I've tried <mx:WebService, and wsdl="myProxyScript" 
useProxy="true" (also tried useProxy="false") ... This gave me 
the "HTTP request error". I know I should really invoke the web 
method on proxy script, but I guess I'm just so dumb, that I can't 
figure it out.
Please help!

--- In, "Mark Shepherd" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 
> Your choices are:
> 1. put a crossdomain file on the server that provides the 
> 2. put a proxy script on the server that is hosting the SWF
> 3. put a proxy script on ANY server ANYWHERE, provided it has a
> crossdomain file
> 4. use FDS proxying on the server that is hosting the SWF
> From your comments, #1 and #4 are not available options. It's not
> clear from your comments whether #2 is possible. So do #2 if you 
> access to the server hosting the SWF, or #3 otherwise.
> By "Proxy Script", I mean a very simple webservice (REST is OK) 
> receives requests from Flash and relays them on to the desired 
> webservice. This is something you can easily create in Cold Fusion,
> PHP, or most any server-side scripting language.
> This is a very basic analysis; if you have security, performance, 
> capacity issues then my suggestions might not be suitable. There 
may be
> other options as well, anyone have any other ideas?
> Mark Shepherd
> --- In, "rzilist" <rzilist@> wrote:
> >
> > Hi folks,
> > I'm consuming a webservice from secured domain which has no 
> > crossdomain.xml file found at server root. It works locally, but 
I get 
> > the "Security error accessing url" message when swf file gets 
> > to IIS server. As far as I know I either need a proxy process on 
> > server hosting a webservice (which I have no access to), or have 
> > proxy-config.xml on FDS (which I also don't have). Is there a 
> > around it? Please help.
> > Thanks,
> > Roman
> >

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