I'm sure there is another way, but this is all I have time for now.


I rewrote the XML into an array collection as in the Using column charts
example at


The key was being sure the values were of type int and not String.




From: flexcoders@yahoogroups.com [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On
Behalf Of myasandy2
Sent: Thursday, April 19, 2007 2:33 PM
To: flexcoders@yahoogroups.com
Subject: [flexcoders] column chart - XML data display problem


I am new to charting and am stuck with how to display data in a 
column chart. I am trying to have the results for each question 
grouped together.

I can't begin to count the variations I have tried for the data 
provider. At least the Legend is working (I think)!

Any help or explaination would be greatly appreciated.

= = = = = data = = = = = = 

aggXML is parsing correctly and a trace statement shows this:

<service id="4" serviceAreaID="1">
<question id="25" two="2" four="3" all="3"/>
<question id="26" two="1" four="4" all="3"/>
<question id="27" two="4" four="4" all="4"/>
<question id="28" two="2" four="3" all="2"/>
<question id="29" two="3" four="1" all="2"/>
<question id="30" two="4" four="3" all="3"/>
<question id="31" two="3" four="1" all="2"/>
<question id="32" two="2" four="2" all="2"/>
<question id="33" two="1" four="4" all="2"/>
<question id="34" two="0" four="3" all="2"/>

= = = = = chart code = = = = = = 

<mx:Panel title="Aggrigate Scores" x="10" y="369" width="462" 
height="243" visible="true" layout="absolute">

<mx:ColumnChart id="column" height="193" width="273" paddingLeft="5" 
paddingRight="5" showDataTips="true" 

<mx:CategoryAxis categoryField="id" 
dataProvider="{aggXML.aggScoreAverages.service.question}" />

<mx:ColumnSeries xField="id" yField="two" displayName="Two year"/>
<mx:ColumnSeries xField="id" yField="four" displayName="Four year"/>
<mx:ColumnSeries xField="id" yField="all" displayName="All"/>

<mx:Legend dataProvider="{column}" x="298" y="10"/>



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