Seems like I'm having an issue with the Fade effect and using startDelay.

I have the following Fade effect defined:

    <mx:Fade id="fadeIn" duration="200" alphaFrom="0.0" alphaTo="1.0" 

This is used by a canvas component:

    <mx:Canvas id="myCanvas"
        width="400" height="400"
        <mx:Button label="test"/>

cb1 is a checkbox to play around with the fading in and out of the 
canvas. I'm starting out with the Canvas supposed to be invisible 
(checkbox unchecked).

Here is the problem:

When the visible property for the canvas is turned to true, Flex makes 
the canvas visible instantaneously and then after 1 second does the fade 
in effect. What should be happening is that the canvas is staying 
invisible and then doing the fade in.

Anyone run into this problem? Seems like a bug in Flex to me, but then 
again, I could be overlooking something.



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