Thanks for the suggestions, I will try them all. I definitely saw this take off when I started using Java & related plugins. Previously with only the PHP, FLEX & SVN perspectives I was fine even with automatic compile on.

I am wondering how to 'close' my unused perspectives. There are really only 4 perspectives I need to access and quite possibly I may have more open and not know it??? Also, in regards to the plugins, is it worth 'disabling' the ones, I am not using in Help->Software Updates-> 'Manage Configuration'? As an example, when I loaded Hibernate Tools, it also loaded a bunch of JBoss stuff that I am not using. Should I disable those? I assumed that they wouldn't be affecting memory unless I was actually using them, but that may be a poor assumption.



On Apr 25, 2007, at 11:29 PM, Mike Morearty wrote:

Not sure if this will help, but one thing I did soon after I started
working with Eclipse was to set a limit on how many editors it kept
open at once. I didn't do any precise tests to see if this actually
helped reduce memory usage, but based on casual observation, it did
seem to.

To do this:

- Window > Preferences

- General, Editors

- Check "Close editors automatically"

Then set the other related options as you like -- the values I chose are:

- Set "Number of opened editors before closing" to 15

- Under "When all editors are dirty or pinned," check "Open new editor"

Mike Morearty, Flex Builder team

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