Code is code. Not wanting to sound rude, but as with any other application that requires visual elements, you'll have to eventually create them somehow.

The huge difference Flex makes is how you go about it. Essentially you will need to work with display containers, such as canvases, panels and the likes. However, Flex lets you break all this up into smaller pieces. Look for information on creating your own custom components, which sounds way harder than it actually is.

On a higher level you can package components you have created (what you may call 'screens') and put them into separate modules.

The key is to divide and conquer. Flex helps you quite a bit with it by using MXML components and modules.


Dave @ wrote:

I feel like its back to the Old QBasic ways...
Make one super long file that does everything, thats kind of nuts.

You mean there isn't a "Load NextScreen" type of thing? Where a whole
new set of objects live? and I don't have to worry about hiding

So far it feels to me, so far, I need to create lots canvases for the
different "screens" the application uses, and then create a funciton
that hides all but the one in focus...

Can anyone describe how they setup their code?

As far as logic, Im not too worried abotu that as most the logic will
be in CF webservices, im more worried about having an insane amount of
visual code in the MXML.

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