I'll address your first question:

I'm doing this all the time. I'm working on my fourth huge Flex application. I've been developing enterprise type distributed applications for over 15 years and I can tell you that Flex is one of my favorite tools in terms of creating large RIA type apps. With Flex you now have the ability to bring to the web what previously has been mostly the domain of applications developed for the desktop/workstation world.


Dave @ VitalPodcasts.com wrote:

From every example I see, its small apps, realesate finder, resturant

Is it possible, and when I mena possible, is it realistc to make
something like a CMS in Flex?

if anyone has a good tutorial on how to make modular code, and make a
nice seperated program design, I would love to see it... everything
google is turning up doesnt even come close to addressing entreprise
level application needs.

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