> Does anybody have good examples how SimpleXMLDecoder works ?

I've never found a good one. Senocular has a library called
XMLDefinition (google it). I've not looked at it too much, but it
superficially appears to do what you're looking for.

I don't like the idea of passing the XML into the object for it to
self-populate (or its counterpart spitting out a piece of XML for
serialization). In my mind, serialization (which is what this is) is a
related but independent class from the model itself. Of course, that's
not a weird suggestion... its how Java implements serialization and
how AS3 does it generically as well. Though frustratingly these
dynamic languages don't provide general purpose API for doing it with
strong typing.

Come on, Adobe, XML is the lingua franca of the web (if not of
business software) and its a native type in AS3. There should be
trivial, native serialization of objects with strong types to and from
XML (in the same way that there is for the, ahem, proprietary AMF


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