On Sep 14, 2007, at 12:32 PM, Troy Gilbert wrote:

You're missing his point: he's got a shape (probably created in Flash) exported as an SWF, but its just an outline, and he wants to fill it.

The answer: sorry, can't do it. You can't modify vector information exported out of Flash as an SWF. The vectors are all stored in MorphShapes which cannot be created at the ActionScript level and are relatively opaque.

The only way you'd be able to do this would be to render the shape to a bitmap then do a flood fill (and hope that your shape is closed). So, something like this:

Or read in a shape as an SWF file and figure out where the shape data is stored - parsing it out of a ByteArray.

I'm working on trying to figure that out right now. Taking some serious diving in to the SWF spec to see how things are written into the file. It should be entirely possible to regenerate saved vector data from an SWF file (filling it back in once you have the path data).

If I have success with reading vector data out of an SWF then I'll be a happy camper...

- j

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