If I understand your problem correctly the only way you can print in
landscape in Flex is to have the user select landscape in the print options.
This will then pass landscape dimensions to your flex app that will scale
the print data grid properly.

To print multiple pages you'll ahve to add instances of the printDataGrid to
the flexPrint object once for each page then use hte nextPage() function to
page the data.

On 9/20/07, Mikhail Shevchuk <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>   Hello, group
> I would like to print DataGrid data as a simple table. The problem,
> I've faced to is that I can't use PrintDataGrid component because it
> prints data not the way I need. What I need is to print table in
> landscape orientation. How can I implement this ?
> The landscape orientation is the only appropriate way to print tables
> with many columns, as far as I know. I would like also to print
> multipage tables.
> Any ideas are highly appreciated.
> Thanks,
> Mikhail
> --
> A vivid and creative mind characterizes you.

Giles Roadnight

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