--- In flexcoders@yahoogroups.com, "Alex Harui" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> There is a recommended pattern involving calling 
> in the .data setter, overriding commitProperties() to handle
> distributing the data, and other "component lifecycle" methods.
> There is documentation on making custom item renderers, and you can 
> at the source code for mx.controls.listClasses.ListItemRenderer and
> mx.controls.TextInput and other mx.controls that are 

I looked at the source for ListItemRenderer, and when I tried to do 
the same thing, I got 

1024: Overriding a function that is not marked for override.

When I added override, I got incompatible override.  Clearly there is 
something here that I am missing.  Please keep in mind that I am a 
Community Expert for Authorware, which means that for the past 
several years the people who have answered what questions I've had 
have been instructional designers first, codeheads second.  So please 
try to imagine you are in front of a classroom of people who are 
relatively new to Flex and couch your answer in those terms.



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